Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy covers: Asia, United Kingdom, Middle East, Africa, South America, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.

Last updated date: 24/02/2024

Welcome to 2B FOUND!! An online video sharing platform that exclusively caters to all Sports Talents and Sports Enthusiasts. The platform allows users to watch, engage and upload videos / images displaying their sports skills or any sports related updates, ask Questions about their sporting techniques / methods, allows coaches to demonstrate their sports skills & enlighten others, and a whole lot of Sports videos that are Exciting + Informative + Contemporary + Live action based or Club / Team Fan victory celebration, and all review & preview videos associated with SPORTS.

In short – A Social media App to express Anything that’s SPORTS!

Platform allows the users to earn 2BF points and equivalent 2BF coins for every activity they do.

Platform enables the users to redeem their 2BF coins for cash in the form of vouchers to shop “Anything that’s Sports” on our e-commerce platform

2B FOUND is a mobile application sourced by 2B FOUND Sports Private Limited, a registered Start-up enterprise with its base in India and will soon expand globally.

Kindly refer to the end of this document to know the address and copyright details of the company.

The privacy of our users is our main priority, and we are committed to protect and respect your privacy. This policy clearly explains all our activities regarding the personal data we collect from you and in some cases the personal data that you provide to us.

If you have any questions on our privacy policy, then you may reach out to us at or


If you do not agree with any part of this policy, then you should not use the platform.


What information / personal data do we collect from you and how do we use it?

We collect your Mobile number or Email ID


if either of Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID login options are used, then we will collect your Gmail ID or Facebook ID or Apple ID (Apple ID – only in case of IOS devices) when you access the platform for the first time to authenticate you, or whenever you ‘sign in’ after a ‘sign out’ to authenticate you, before we can authorize you to access and use the services of Platform.

When you access the platform for the first time, on successful authentication (Via OTP sent to your mobile number or email ID) or (authenticated via Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID), we will generate a unique user ID linked to your new user profile.

You can continue to use the platform as is with the user ID generated by us or you may choose to customize it by editing your profile information with the name of your choice which can also be your actual name (it’s optional, you can use any name / reference of your choice).

When you choose to have a Profile,

Since this platform is all about your sports interest, we collect a few information about your sports profile as “mandatory details” which in no way can be classified as sensitive nor violates your privacy.

Remember, you can always continue to use the platform by not opting for a profile with just the user ID generated by us at the time of login.

All your details will be tagged against your Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID (the one you used for authentication at the time of login), and you might be asked to authenticate again only when you log out of the App and try logging in again (this also includes Uninstall and reinstall of the App), but this time the system will not create a new user ID / profile for you, instead you will be directed to your existing ID / Profile linked to your ID used at the time of first login i.e., this link will be created when you authenticate using your Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail ID or Facebook ID or Apple ID for the very first time as a new user of the platform.

When you request for a verified 2BF Champ Profile, a mail will be triggered to where we would’ve requested you to help us with a few information that supports your request to have a verified 2BF Champ Profile on 2B FOUND.

The entire activity is completely voluntary since known sports personalities automatically qualify for verified 2BF Champ Profile.

When you delete your profile, all information stored in your profile will be lost and you will not be able to access the same profile again. You will have to start afresh as a new user again.

We also observe your use of the platform through your uploads as part of our quality control flow, but that doesn’t involve accessing your information or any background check through third parties, instead we just don’t publish your content, and in the worst case of repeat violation / suspicion, we just restrict you from accessing the platform anymore.

Other possible ways we use your information include the below,

  1. Provide you with user support.
  2. If allowed by you, with your permission, your contact will be shared to a potential target audience who might want to reach out to you after taking note of your talent / skill / ability through your uploads.
  3. To communicate with you.

What Permissions do we require in your mobile?

We just request you to allow our App access the below two features of your mobile,

  • Mobile Camera & Microphone via our video recording option, if you prefer to shoot your sport video through the App for video uploads.
  • Mobile Camera via ‘Take a picture’ option, if you wish to take a picture through the App for your profile pic by choosing ‘Edit’.


  • Mobile Storage – To upload your contents (video and image files) from your media library / gallery / internal storage to the platform.
  • Mobile Storage – To upload a picture from your media library / gallery / internal storage for your profile pic, if you opt for the ‘Choose from gallery’ option by choosing ‘Edit’.

Apart from the above, 2B FOUND never requests nor tries to access any other feature of your mobile / settings / browser history / your actions or information via other utility Apps in your mobile.

*We do trigger dynamic push notifications wherever applicable for the actions / updates on your profile & videos and new video uploads – ONLY if you had set your mobile settings to allow notifications from our App*.

Where do we store your information, service providers involved and for how long we store your information?

The information you have provided to us (Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail ID or Facebook ID or Apple ID), Name of your choice, Both Mandatory & Voluntary Sports Profile information and Profile picture of your choice – if added, and all your uploads) will be stored in cloud database servers administered by us and service provided by authorised third party cloud database hosting service provider (AWS) who help us to deliver the platform and ensure that the platform is a safe & secure place to use.

Server setup, Application deployment, optimization & maintenance will be managed by 2B FOUND SPORTS Ltd.

During sign-up / sign in, we use authorised 3rd party authentication service provided by AWS (Mobile OTP & Email OTP) to verify your identity using the OTP triggered to your Mobile number or Email ID as used by you for login.

** Gmail ID can also be used as an Email via Email ID option.

We retain the information provided by you with us ONLY for as long as you actively use our service.

When you have stopped using our service by terminating your user profile, we DO NOT retain any of your information in our database anymore.

You are always welcome to 2B FOUND if you ever wish to use the service again.

Please note, since the authentication process involves either your Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID, if you do swap or trade it to another person at any stage of your association with our Platform, then always remember that the person using the ‘already’ authenticated Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID will be able to access your profile via the platform unless you delete your profile before doing so.

Also, we strongly recommend that you reach out to us with a request to get all your data and user history deleted from our database if you are to abandon your existing Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID that’s authenticated in our platform.

We DO NOT retain any information you shared via mail to while requesting for a verified 2BF Champ Profile on 2B FOUND.

How Secure your information is with us?

To start with, we do not collect any sensitive information other than your Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID, with the rest of your ‘sports profile’ information being an option (Only if you choose to have a profile). Besides, you can use any name of your choice even if you wish to give the profile you opted for a personalized name. Similarly, the profile pic of your choice is just an option as you can always continue to use the default profile pic offered in the platform.

We ensure that your information is safely stored and secured with integrity.

Having said that, the internet is not completely secure, we do take the best possible steps using the contemporary security standards maintained by our cloud service providers (AWS) to ensure your data is secure with us, but we still cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted through the platform, any transmission is at your own risk.

Your profile and your choices:

As a Sports only platform for users with a strong purpose & intention to be found – ‘as the name of the product itself suggests’, the information you see in your profile about you and all your successfully uploaded / published videos will be visible to all users of the platform,

but if you wish to completely Block a few from being able to see anything about you, then you can Block those users (they will not be notified) and unblock them whenever you decide to do so.

Blocked users will not even be able to see your profile in their search results.

Please note that the content you upload is public and may also be accessed & shared by other users of the platform. Like we stated above – That’s the purpose of this service and the real reason behind you using the service is to get noticed and be found.

You can delete the content(s) you uploaded from your profile, and deleted contents will not be available for viewing on the platform anymore. We provide you with several tools and settings aided features to rate, like, share, post your comments to the videos of other users, to customize your profile and more importantly you can delete the comments posted by other users to your video, if you feel like doing so.

You can report a user if you feel they are using the platform in a way it is not intended for by choosing the reason(s) for reporting the user.

You can also report the videos uploaded by other users if you feel the content is derogatory or abusive by choosing the reason(s) for reporting the video.

You can quit using the service by deleting your user profile whenever you wish to do so.

If you have any question on how to use the tools and settings related to the features offered in the platform, or to know about what you are authorized to do with them, you can reach out to us at or

Who can use the Platform?

Anyone over the age of 3+ years can use the platform as no Sport restricts a talent by their age, but you might need a parent or guardian to accept this policy and help you access & use the service.

Otherwise, to accept the privacy policy you must be at least 18 or above.

Please note that the Parent or guardian will be responsible for all the actions of their child in the platform. 

More importantly, Parent(s) or guardian cannot forcibly involve their child in any sport activity against their Free Will, 2B FOUND strictly prohibits such actions and you are not allowed to use the platform.

If any parent or guardian believes that their child has used their information (Mobile number or Email ID or Gmail / Facebook / Apple ID) to access the platform without their knowledge, then please contact us at or

Notification of changes to this policy:

Any changes in the use of service will be notified to all users through a notice via the platform, also we strongly recommend you refer to this policy regularly for any changes. Whenever we update this policy, the last updated date at the top of this policy will also be updated.

At any stage during your use of the platform, if you do not agree to the updated policy, you must immediately stop using the platform and its services.

If you continue to use the platform after an update to the policy, then it is clearly understood that you have accepted the updated policy.


If you find anything wrong with respect to our handling of the platform and its services, we request you to contact us at or in the first instance even though you can exercise your right of reaching out to the relevant authority as allowed by law.

For any Questions, suggestions and requests regarding this policy, you can reach out to us at or

Name and address of the company,


Building No. 119/1-303, 3rd Floor, Wing 1, ARK Cloud City, Channasandra, White Field, Bangalore – 560067.

Copyright registration number: L-100448/2021 and 173/2022-CO/L (Most recent).

Trademark registration – Application number: 5265544 (Logo) and 5265545 (App Icon)

© 2022